2023 – M&M Lab year 6
– Kelvin’s group presented in TMS 2023
– Dexin publishes his strain mapping work in Ultramicroscopy
– Kelvin’s group in Aggieland Saturday
– Farewell Peter and wish you all the best at LLNL!
2022 – M&M Lab year 5
2022-10-21 Happy Birthday Mina
2022-10 Raj publishes his first paper in the Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering
2022-09-30 Happy Birthday Griffin and Raj, and thank you Mina for the awesome cake!
2022-09-17 Group lunch out to welcome Marcus and Brenden
2022-09 Digvijay publishes his paper in Acta Materialia
2022-07-01 Jiaqi publishes his first paper in Scripta Materialia
2022-05-06 Happy Summer Holiday!
2022-03-29 TEES Faculty Award dinner
2022-03-20 Spring break group kayaking
2022-02-12 Kelvin’s group participates in the AggieLand Saturday
2021 – M&M Lab year 4
2021-12-11 Congratulations Dr. Zhao!
2021-10-01 Happy Birthdays Griffin and Raj!
2021-09-10 Farewell Dexin! Wish you all the best at Western Digital!
2021-08-25 Dexin successfully defending his Ph.D. thesis
2021-08-24 Welcome Raj, Yi-Cheng, and Mina
2021-07-27 Congrats Xiaolong on the PNAS publication in collaboration with Dr. George Pharr’s group
2021-06-04 First in-person meeting in 2021
2021-05 Dexin publishes his work in Materials Science and Engineering: A
2021-05-14 Happy summer holiday!
2021-04-23 Happy Birthday Jiaqi and Peter
2021-01 Dexin publishes his first Acta Materialia paper!
2021-01 Digvijay publishes his first paper in Scripta Materialia!
2020 – M&M Lab year 3
2020-06-08 Hsu-Ming successfully defending his Master thesis
2020-05-01 Dexin and Kelvin contribute to the jClub in iMechanica for the May issue
2020-01-27 to 31 Peter Evans presents at ICACC Conference
2020-01-20 Dexin publishes his first paper in Scripta Materialia!
2019 – M&M Lab year 2
2019-12-10 Tethon 3D printer installed
2019-10-31 Farewell Xiaolong! Wish you all the best at PNNL!
2019-08-02 Peter Evans presents at the Undergraduate Summer Research Poster Session
2019-06-03 to 25 Luoning visits us from Hopkins
2019-05-28 to 31 ASTAR training from Dr. Jing Lu from NanoMEGAS
2019-05-08 End of semester group lunch out
2019-04-04 Dexin presents at the President Excellence Fund Symposium
2019-03-10 to 14 M&M Group participation and Hemker Group reunion at TMS 2019
2019-02-09 Kelvin and Dexin participate in Aggie Saturday
2018 – M&M Lab year 1
2018-12-14 End of semesterĀ lunch out
2018-12-07 Professor Pharr’s 65th Birthday Symposium
2018-10-01 Welcome Xiaolong Ma as a postdoc and Hsu-Ming Lien as a master student
2018-08-24 Start-of-semester lunch and welcome Ethan as an honor student
2018-06-04 Keya and Esther join as the summer intern students
2018-05-09 End-of-semester dinner out
2018-03-15 Bruce visits us from Rutgers
2018-03-09 Prospect student Liya visits
2018-03-03 Allied polisher installed
2018-03-01 Welcome Dr. Sisi Xiang
2018-03-01 Welcome lunch for Dr. Sisi Xiang