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Publications from Texas A&M University
99. Postma, R. Patel, K. Xie, Achieving more accurate microindentation hardness measurements of shale rocks–Insight into the effect of sink-in and pile-up, Geoenergy Science and Engineering 243 (2024) 213383.
98. Y. Xie, D. Yadav, B.L. Hackett, Y. Zhang, R. Patel, Y.-C. Lai, G. Turner, I. Karaman, G.M. Pharr, Weak strain-rate sensitivity of hardness in the VCoNi equi-atomic medium entropy alloy, Materials Science and Engineering: A 913 (2024) 147091
97. Patel, P. Cunha, S. Lan, K.Y. Xie, Femtosecond laser ablation responses of kerogen-rich, argillaceous, and bituminous shale rocks, Geoenergy Science and Engineering 240 (2024) 213047.
96. Evans, G. Turner, R. Patel, M. Moghadasi, Q. Yang, Z. Pei, C. Ma, J.D. Paramore, B.G. Butler, K.Y. Xie, Shrinkage, microstructure, and mechanical properties of sintered 3D‐printed silica via stereolithography, International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology 21(3) (2024) 1638-1647.
95. M. Gurrola, J.M. Cain, S. Oh, T.D. Brown, F. Jardali, R.M. Schoell, D.R. Yadav, J. Dong, C.M. Smyth, M. Pharr, et al. Selective modulation of electronic transport in VO2 induced by 10 keV helium ion irradiation, Journal of Applied Physics 135(12) (2024).
94. Dong, A. Demblon, T. Umale, D. Zhao, G. Valentino, I. Karaman, K.Y. Xie, Property and microstructure of Ni50. 3Ti29. 7Hf20 high-temperature shape memory alloys with different aging conditions, Acta Materialia 265 (2024) 119642.
93. Zhang, B.L. Hackett, J. Dong, K.Y. Xie, G.M. Pharr, Evolution of dislocation substructures in metals via high-strain-rate nanoindentation, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120(50) (2023) e2310500120.
92. Y.-C. Lai, Y. Ying, D. Yadav, J. Guerrero, Y.-J. Hu, K.Y. Xie, In situ TEM observations and molecular dynamics simulations of deformation defect activities in Mg via nanoindentation, Journal of Magnesium and Alloys 11(12) (2023) 4513-4524.
91. L. Wang, M.H. Hansen, Y.-C. Lai, J. Dong, K. Xie, Improving orientation mapping by enhancing the diffraction signal using Auto-CLAHE in precession electron diffraction data, Microstructures 3(4) (2023) 2023036.
90. Ren, M. Wu, C. Li, S. Guan, J. Dong, J.-B. Forien, T. Li, K.S. Shanks, D. Yu, Y. Chen, et al. Deformation mechanisms in an additively manufactured dual-phase eutectic high-entropy alloy, Acta Materialia 257 (2023) 119179.
89. Zhang, D. Zhao, J.C. Lago, K. Xie, P.J. Shamberger, Substrate effects in hysteresis of microscale Ni–Mn–Sn Heusler alloy films, Applied Physics Letters 123(7) (2023).
88. H. Hansen, A.L. Wang, J. Dong, Y. Zhang, T. Umale, S. Banerjee, P. Shamberger, M. Pharr, I. Karaman, K.Y. Xie, Crystallographic variant mapping using precession electron diffraction data, Microstructures 3(4) (2023).
87. Zhao, A. Patel, A. Barbosa, M.H. Hansen, A.L. Wang, J. Dong, Y. Zhang, T. Umale, I. Karaman, P. Shamberger, M. Pharr, K.Y. Xie, A reference-area-free strain mapping method using precession electron diffraction data, Ultramicroscopy (2023) 113700.
86. B. Leu, K. Xie, I.J. Beyerlein, Investigation of twin growth mechanisms in precipitate hardened AZ91, Acta Materialia 242 (2023) 118471.
85. Y. Zhang, C.D. Fincher, R.M. Gurrola, W. Serem, D. Zhao, J. Shin, S. Banerjee, K. Xie, P. Shamberger, M. Pharr, Strategic texturation of VO2 thin films for tuning mechanical, structural, and electronic couplings during metal-insulator transitions, Acta Materialia 242 (2023) 118478.
84. B. Butler, E. Maynor, M.T. Hurst, D.R. Yadav, K. Xie, S.N. Singh, J.D. Paramore, Tensile deformation and failure of tungsten single crystals, International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials 110 (2023) 106013.
83. R. Patel, Y. Zhang, C.-W. Lin, J. Guerrero, Y. Deng, G.M. Pharr, K.Y. Xie, Microstructural and mechanical property characterization of Argillaceous, Kerogen-rich, and Bituminous shale rocks, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 108 (2022) 104827.
82. M. Demkowicz, M. Liu, I. McCue, M. Seita, J. Stuckner, K. Xie, Quantitative multi-image analysis in metals research, Mrs Communications (2022) 1-7.
81. Q. Yang, C.J. Marvel, Y. Shen, M.-R. He, J. Du, C. Hwang, E.D. Gronske, K.Y. Xie, S.R. Mercurio, Q. An, Activating dislocation mediated plasticity in boron carbide through Al-doping, Acta Materialia 241 (2022) 118412.
80. J. Ren, Y. Zhang, D. Zhao, Y. Chen, S. Guan, Y. Liu, L. Liu, S. Peng, F. Kong, J.D. Poplawsky, Strong yet ductile nanolamellar high-entropy alloys by additive manufacturing, Nature 608(7921) (2022) 62-68.
79. D. Yadav, P. Chen, S. Xiang, Y. Wang, J.K. Baldwin, P. Evans, N. Williams, M.J. Demkowicz, K.Y. Xie, Outgassing of implanted He via short circuit transport along phase and grain boundaries in vapor co-deposited Cu-W nanocomposites, Acta Materialia (2022) 118306.
78. J. Dong, T. Umale, B. Young, I. Karaman, K.Y. Xie*, Structure and substructure characterization of solution-treated Ni50. 3Ti29. 7Hf20 high-temperature shape memory alloy, Scripta Materialia 219 (2022) 114888.
77. K. Joy, T. Umale, D. Zhao, Solomou, K. Xie, I. Karaman, D.C. Lagoudas, Effects of microstructure and composition on constitutive response of high temperature shape memory alloys: Micromechanical modeling using 3-D reconstructions with experimental validation, Acta Materialia 232 (2022) 117929
76. D. Zhao, J. Dong, K.Y. Xie*, Effect of local twin Schmid factor on the tension twinning activities in a highly textured Mg–3Al–1Zn alloy under different strain paths, MRS Communications 12(2) (2022) 217-222.
75. J. Marvel, Q. Yang, S.D. Walck, K.Y. Xie, K.D. Behler, J.C. LaSalvia, M. Watanabe, R.A. Haber, M.P. Harmer, Applications of analytical electron microscopy to guide the design of boron carbide, Journal of the American Ceramic Society 105(5) (2022) 2990-3007.
74. K. Y. Xie, Q. Yang, C.J. Marvel, M.R. He, J.C. LaSalvia, M.P. Harmer, C. Hwang, R.A. Haber, K.J. Hemker, Experimental observations of amorphization in multiple generations of boron carbide, Journal of the American Ceramic Society 105(5) (2022) 3008-3029.
73. Hwang, J. Du, Q. Yang, A.M. Celik, K. Christian, Q. An, M.C. Schaefer, K.Y. Xie, J.C. LaSalvia, K.J. Hemker, Addressing amorphization and transgranular fracture of B4C through Si doping and TiB2 microparticle reinforcing, Journal of the American Ceramic Society 105(5) (2022) 2959-2977
72. Leu, M.A. Kumar, K.Y. Xie, I.J. Beyerlein, Twinning pathways enabled by precipitates in AZ91, Materialia 21 (2022) 101292.
71. K.Y. Xie, K. Hazeli, N. Dixit, L. Ma, K. Ramesh, K.J. Hemker. Twin boundary migration mechanisms in quasi-statically compressed and plate-impacted Mg single crystals, Science advances 7 (2021) eabg3443.
70. Y. Luo, Y. Bai, A. Mistry, Y. Zhang, D. Zhao, S. Sarkar, J.V. Handy, S. Rezaei, A.C. Chuang, L. Carrillo. et al. Effect of crystallite geometries on electrochemical performance of porous intercalation electrodes by multiscale operando investigation, Nature materials (2021) 1-11.
69. M. Kang, N. Dixit, K. Hazeli, K. Xie, K. Hemker, K. Ramesh. The mechanical behavior of single crystal and polycrystalline pure magnesium, Mechanics of Materials 163 (2021) 104078.
68. X. Ma, W. Higgins, Z. Liang, D. Zhao, G.M. Pharr, K.Y. Xie. Exploring the origins of the indentation size effect at submicron scales, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (2021).
67. B. Gwalani, W. Fu, M. Olszta, J. Silverstein, D.R. Yadav, P. Manimunda, A. Guzman, K. Xie, A. Rohatgi, S. Mathaudhu. Lattice misorientation evolution and grain refinement in Al-Si alloys under high-strain shear deformation, Materialia (2021) 101146.
66. D. Zhao, R. Shi, P. Evans, A.A. Luo, K.Y. Xie. On the exceptionally high ductility of Mg–2Zn-0.3 Ca-0.2 Ce-0.1 Mn alloy, Materials Science and Engineering: A (2021) 141484.
65. I. Petrusha, C. Hwang, T. Prikhna, M. Örnek, D. Zhao, K.Y. Xie, R.A. Haber, M. Karpets, S. Ponomaryov, S. Dub. A novel route to superhard nanocrystalline cubic boron nitride: Emulsion detonation and high-pressure high-temperature transformation-assisted consolidation, Journal of the European Ceramic Society 41 (2021) 5505-5511.
64. K.Y. Xie, D. Zhao, B. Leu, X. Ma, Q. Jiao, J.A. El-Awady, T.P. Weihs, I.J. Beyerlein, M.A. Kumar. Understanding the interaction of extension twinning and basal-plate precipitates in Mg-9Al using precession electron diffraction, Materialia (2021) 101044.
63. J. Tan, F.A. Soto, J. Noh, P. Wu, K. Xie, P.B. Balbuena, D.R. Yadav, C. Yu. Large Areal Capacity and Dendrite-free Anode with Long Lifetime Enabled by Distributed Lithium Plating with Mossy Manganese Oxides, Journal of Materials Chemistry A (2021).
62. D. Zhao, X. Ma, A. Srivastava, G. Turner, I. Karaman, K.Y. Xie. Significant disparity of non-basal dislocation activities in hot-rolled highly-textured Mg and Mg-3Al-1Zn alloy under tension, Acta Materialia (2021) 116691.
61. D. Yadav, D. Zhao, J.K. Baldwin, A. Devaraj, M.J. Demkowicz, K.Y. Xie. Persistence of crystal orientations across sub-micron-scale “super-grains” in self-organized Cu-W nanocomposites, Scripta Materialia 194 (2021) 113677.
60. Y. Cubides, D. Zhao, L. Nash, D. Yadav, K. Xie, I. Karaman, H. Castaneda. Effects of dynamic recrystallization and strain-induced dynamic precipitation on the corrosion behavior of partially recrystallized Mg–9Al–1Zn alloys, Journal of Magnesium and Alloys 8 (2020) 1016-1037.
59. G.M. Valentino, S. Xiang, L. Ma, K.Y. Xie, M.-R. He, W.C. Oliver, G.M. Pharr, J.A. Krogstad, T.P. Weihs, K.J. Hemker. Investigating the compressive strength and strain localization of nanotwinned nickel alloys, Acta Materialia (2020) 116507.
58. I. McCue, S. Xiang, K. Xie, M.J. Demkowicz. The Effect of Microstructure Morphology on Indentation Response of Ta/Ti Nanocomposite Thin Films, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A (2020) 1-14.
57. D. Fincher, H. Turman, A. French, M. Chancey, J. Gigax, E. Aydogan, D. Zhao, D. Yadav, K. Xie, Y. Wang. Damage relief of ion-irradiated Inconel alloy 718 via annealing, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 479 (2020) 157-162.
56. T.-M. Chiu, C. Zhang, D. Zhao, D. Yadav, K.Y. Xie, A. Elwany, H. Castaneda. Interface stability of laser powder-bed-fused AlSi12 under simulated atmospheric conditions, Corrosion Science (2020) 108861
55. Noh, J. Tan, D. Yadav, P. Wu, K.Y. Xie, C. Yu. Understanding of Lithium Insertion into 3D Porous Carbon Scaffolds with Hybridized Lithiophobic and Lithiophilic Surfaces by In-Operando Study, Nano Letters 20 (2020) 3681-3687
54. Y. Cubides, A.I. Karayan, D. Zhao, L. Nash, K. Xie, H. Castaneda. New insights on the corrosion mechanism of a peak-aged Mg–9Al–1Zn alloy in a chloride environment, Journal of Alloys and Compounds (2020) 155786.
53. X. Ma, D. Zhao, S. Yadav, D. Sagapuram, K.Y. Xie. Grain-subdivision-dominated microstructure evolution in shear bands at high rates, Materials Research Letters 8 (2020) 328-334.
52. S. Xiang, I. McCue, D. Yadav, Y. Wang, J.K. Baldwin, M.J. Demkowicz, K.Y. Xie. Comparative study of helium bubbles in a Ti-Ta alloy and a Ti/Ta nanocomposite, Philosophical Magazine Letters (2020) 1-12.
51. S. Xiang, Q. Yang, H.M. Lien, K. Shial, E. Gronske, R. Haber, K.Y. Xie. The effect of boron and aluminum additions on the microstructure of arc‐melted boron carbide, Journal of the American Ceramic Society 103 (2020) 3453-3457.
50. D. Zhao, X. Ma, S. Picak, I. Karaman, K. Xie. Activation and suppression of< c+ a> dislocations in a textured Mg–3Al–1Zn alloy, Scripta Materialia 179 (2020) 49-54
49. Davidson, A. Verma, D. Santos, F. Hao, C.D. Fincher, D. Zhao, V. Attari, P. Schofield, J. Van Buskirk, A. Fraticelli-Cartagena, Alivio T.E.G., Arroyave R., K. Xie, M. Pharr, P.P. Mukherjee, S. Banerjee. Mapping mechanisms and growth regimes of magnesium electrodeposition at high current densities, Materials Horizons (2020).
48. S. Xiang, L. Ma, B. Yang, Y. Dieudonne, G.M. Pharr, J. Lu, D. Yadav, C. Hwang, J.C. LaSalvia, R.A. Haber. K.J. Hemker, K.Y. Xie, Tuning the deformation mechanisms of boron carbide via silicon doping, Science Advances 5 (2019) eaay0352.
47. S. Picak, J. Liu, C. Hayrettin, W. Nasim, D. Canadinc, K. Xie, Y. Chumlyakov, I. Kireeva, I. Karaman. Anomalous work hardening behavior of Fe40Mn40Cr10Co10 high entropy alloy single crystals deformed by twinning and slip, Acta Materialia 181 (2019) 555-569.
46. S. Qin, S. Xiang, B. Eberle, K. Xie, J.C. Grunlan. High Moisture Barrier with Synergistic Combination of SiOx and Polyelectrolyte Nanolayers, Advanced Materials Interfaces (2019) 1900740.
45. M. Örnek, K. Wang, S. Xiang, C. Hwang, K.Y. Xie, R.A. Haber. Molten salt synthesis of highly ordered and nanostructured hexagonal boron nitride, Diamond and Related Materials 93 (2019) 179-186.
44. Hwang, Q. Yang, S. Xiang, V. Domnich, A.U. Khan, K.Y. Xie, K.J. Hemker, R.A. Haber. Fabrication of dense B4C-preceramic polymer derived SiC composite, Journal of the European Ceramic Society 39 (2019) 718-725.
43. R. Davidson, A. Verma, D. Santos, F. Hao, C. Fincher, S. Xiang, J.V. Buskirk, K. Xie, M. Pharr, P.P. Mukherjee. Formation of Magnesium Dendrites during Electrodeposition, ACS Energy Letters 4 (2018) 375-376.
42. M. Örnek, C. Hwang, S. Xiang, K.Y. Xie, A. Etzold, B. Yang, R.A. Haber. Effect of synthesis conditions of BCNO on the formation and structural ordering of boron nitride at high temperatures, Journal of Solid State Chemistry 269 (2019) 212-219.
Publications from Johns Hopkins University
41. L. Ma, K. Xie, J. Cai, K.J. Hemker. Non-dissociated< c+ a> dislocations in an AZ31 alloy revealed by transmission electron microscopy, Materials Research Letters 8 (2020) 145-150.
40. K.Y. Xie, K.M. Reddy, L. Ma, A. Caffee, M. Chen, K.J. Hemker. Experimental observations of the mechanisms associated with the high hardening and low strain to failure of magnesium, Materialia (2019) 100504.
39. G.-D. Sim, K.Y. Xie, K.J. Hemker, J.A. El-Awady. Effect of temperature on the transition in deformation modes in Mg single crystals, Acta Materialia 178 (2019) 241-248.
38. C. Hwang, S. DiPietro, K.Y. Xie, Q. Yang, A.M. Celik, A.U. Khan, V. Domnich, S. Walck, K.J. Hemker, R.A. Haber. Small amount TiB2 addition into B4C through sputter deposition and hot pressing, Journal of the American Ceramic Society (2019).
37. U. Khan, A. M. Etzold, X. Yang, V. Domnich, K. Y. Xie, C. Hwang, K. D. Behler, M. Chen, Q. An, J. C. LaSalvia, Locating Si atoms in Si-doped boron carbide: A route to understand amorphization mitigation mechanism. Acta Materialia 157, 106-113 (2018).
36. Örnek, C. Hwang, K. Y. Xie, S. Pratas, J. Calado, A. Burgess, V. Domnich, K. J. Hemker, R. A. Haber, Formation of metastable wurtzite phase boron nitride by emulsion detonation synthesis. Journal of the American Ceramic Society 101, 3276-3281 (2018).
35. Sim G.D., Krogstad J.A., Xie K.Y., Dasgupta S., Valentino G.M., Weihs T.P., Hemker K.J. Tailoring the mechanical properties of sputter deposited nanotwinned nickel-molybdenum-tungsten films, Acta Materialia 144 (2018) 216-225.
34. Örnek M., Reddy K.M., Hwang C., Domnich V., Burgess A., Pratas S., Calado J., Xie K.Y.,L. Miller, Hemker K.J., Haber R.A. Observations of explosion phase boron nitride formed by emulsion detonation synthesis, Scripta Materialia 145 (2018) 126-130.
33. Ma L., Xie K.Y., Toksoy M.F., Kuwelkar K., Haber R.A., Hemker K.J. The effect of Si on the microstructure and mechanical properties of spark plasma sintered boron carbide, Materials Characterization 134 (2017) 274-278.
32. Xie K.Y., Domnich V., Farbaniec L., Chen B., Kuwelkar K., Ma L., McCauley J.W., Haber R.A., Ramesh K.T., Chen M.W., Hemker K.J. Microstructural characterization of boron-rich boron carbide, Acta Materialia 136 (2017) 202-214.
31. Sim G.D., Krogstad J.A., Reddy K.M., Xie K.Y., Valentino G.M., Weihs T.P., Hemker K.J. Nanotwinned metal MEMS films with unprecedented strength and stability, Science Advances 3 (2017) e1700685.
30. Toksoy M.F., Rafaniello W., Xie K.Y., Ma L., Hemker K.J., Haber R.A.. Densification and characterization of rapid carbothermal synthesized boron carbide, International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology 14 (2017) 443-453.
29. Farbaniec L, Hogan J, Xie K, Shaeffer M, Hemker K, Ramesh KT. Damage evolution of hot-pressed boron carbide under confined dynamic compression, International Journal of Impact Engineering 99 (2017) 75-84.
28. An Q, Goddard III WA, Xie KY, Sim GD, Hemker KJ, Munhollon T, Toksoy MF, Haber RA. Superstrength through Nanotwinning, Nano Letters 16 (2016) 7573-7579.
27. Xie KY, An Q, Sato T, Breen, AJ, Ringer SP, Goddard III WA, Cairney JM, Hemker KJ. Breaking the icosahedra in boron carbide. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (2016) 12012-12016.
26. An Q, Reddy KM, Xie KY, Hemker KJ, Goddard III WA. New ground-state crystal structure of elemental boron. Physical Review Letters 117 (2016) 085501.
25. Xie KY, Kuwelkar K, Haber RA, LaSalvia JC, Hemker KJ. Microstructural characterization of a commercial hot-pressed boron carbide armor plate. Journal of the American Ceramic Society 99 (2016) 2834-2841.
24. Xie KY, Alam Z, Caffee A, Hemker KJ. Pyramidal I slip in c-axis compressed Mg single crystals, Scripta Materialia 2016:112:75-78.
23. Xie KY, An Q, Toksoy MF, McCauley JW, Haber RA, Goddard III WA, Hemker KJ. Atomic-level Understanding of “Asymmetric Twins” in Boron Carbide. Physical Review Letters 2015;115:175501.
22. Xie KY, Livi K, McCauley JW, Hemker KJ. Precipitation of AlN in a commercial hot-pressed boron carbide. Scripta Materialia 2015;101:95.
21. Dixit N, Xie KY, Hemker KJ, Ramesh K. Microstructural evolution of pure magnesium under high strain rate loading. Acta Materialia 2015;87:56.
20. Xie KY, Toksoy MF, Kuwelkar K, Zhang B, Krogstad JA, Haber RA, Hemker KJ. Effect of Alumina on the Structure and Mechanical Properties of Spark Plasma Sintered Boron Carbide. Journal of the American Ceramic Society 2014;97:3710.
Publications from University of Sydney
19. Wang YB, Lee CC, Yi J, An XH, Pan MX, Xie KY, Liao XZ, Cairney JM, Ringer SP, Wang WH. Ultrahigh-strength submicron-sized metallic glass wires. Scripta Materialia. 2014;84–85:27.
18. Sun Y, Tieu AK, Lu C, Yu H, Zhao Y, Zhu H, Kong C, Xie KY. The mechanical behaviour of TiN and multi–layered coating of TiN/Ti on Ti6Al4V substrate during nano–indentation. International Journal of Surface Science and Engineering 2014;8:95.
17. Breen AJ, Xie KY, Moody MP, Gault B, Yen H-W, Wong CC, Cairney JM, Ringer SP. Resolving the Morphology of Niobium Carbonitride Nano-Precipitates in Steel Using Atom Probe Tomography. Microscopy and Microanalysis 2014;20:1100.
16. Xie KY, Shrestha SL, Felfer PJ, Cairney JM, Killmore CR, Carpenter KR, Kaul HR, Ringer SP. High Strength and Retained Ductility Achieved in a Nitrided Strip Cast Nb-Microalloyed Steel. Metallurgical and Materials Transaction A. 2013;44A:848.
15. Shrestha SL, Xie KY, Ringer SP, Carpenter KR, Smith DR, Killmore CR, Cairney JM. The effect of clustering on the mobility of dislocations during aging in Nb-microalloyed strip cast steels: In situ heating TEM observations. Scripta Materialia. 2013;69:481.
14. Xie KY, Shrestha S, Cao Y, Felfer PJ, Wang Y, Liao X, Cairney JM, Ringer SP. The effect of pre-existing defects on the strength and deformation behavior of α-Fe nanopillars. Acta Materialia 2013;61:439.
13. Shrestha SL, Xie KY, Zhu C, Ringer SP, Killmore C, Carpenter K, Kaul H, Williams JG, Cairney JM. Cluster strengthening of Nb-microalloyed ultra-thin cast strip steels produced by the CASTRIP® process. Materials Science and Engineering: A 2013;568:88.
12. Xie KY, Wang Y, Zhao Y, Chang L, Wang G, Chen Z, Cao Y, Liao X, Lavernia EJ, Valiev RZ. Nanocrystalline β-Ti alloy with high hardness, low Young’s modulus and excellent in vitro biocompatibility for biomedical applications. Materials Science and Engineering: C 2013;33:3530.
11. Breen A, Moody MP, Gault B, Ceguerra AV, Xie KY, Du S, Ringer SP. Spatial decomposition of molecular ions within 3D atom probe reconstructions. Ultramicroscopy 2013;132:92.
10. Xie KY, Breen AJ, Yao L, Moody MP, Gault B, Cairney JM, Ringer SP. Overcoming challenges in the study of nitrided microalloyed steels using atom probe. Ultramicroscopy 2012;112:32.
9. Xie KY, Zheng TX, Cairney JM, Kaul H, Williams JG, Barbaro FJ, Killmore CR, Ringer SP. Strengthening from Nb-rich clusters in a Nb-microalloyed steel. Scripta Materialia. 2012;66:710.
8. Tugcu K, Sha G, Liao XZ, Trimby P, Xia JH, Murashkin MY, Xie Y, Valiev RZ, Ringer SP. Enhanced grain refinement of an Al–Mg–Si alloy by high-pressure torsion processing at 100°C. Materials Science and Engineering: A 2012;552:415.
7. Wang GC, Lu ZF, Xie KY, Lu WY, Roohani-Esfahani SI, Kondyurin A, Zreiqat H. A facile method to in situ formation of hydroxyapatite single crystal architecture for enhanced osteoblast adhesion. Journal of Materials Chemistry. 2012;22:19081.
6. Xie KY, Yang LY, Chen K, Li Q. In vitro study of the effect of cyclic strains on the dermal fibroblast (CM3384) morphology – mapping of cell responses to strain field, Medical Engineering & Physics, 2012;34:826
5. Xie KY, Yao L, Zhu C, Cairney JM, Killmore CR, Barbaro FJ, Williams JG, Ringer SP. Effect of Nb Microalloying and Hot Rolling on Microstructure and Properties of Ultrathin Cast Strip Steels Produced by the CASTRIP Process. Metallurgical and Materials Transaction A 2011;42A:2199.
4. Xie KY, Wang Y, Ni S, Liao X, Cairney JM, Ringer SP. Insight into the deformation mechanisms of α-Fe at the nanoscale. Scripta Materialia 2011;65:1037.
3. Wu C, Zhang Y, Ke X, Xie Y, Zhu H, Crawford R, Xiao Y. Bioactive mesopore-glass microspheres with controllable protein-delivery properties by biomimetic surface modification. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research A 2010; 95A:476.
2. Yang S, Xie Y, Yang W, Zheng R, Stevens F, Korkmaz E, Weiss AS, Ringer SP, Braet F. In vitro studies of cells grown on the superconductor PrOxFeAs, Micron 2009;40:476.
1. Burgmann FA, Xie Y, Cairney JM, Ringer SP, Killmore CR, Barbaro FJ, Williams JG. The effect of niobium additions on ferrite formation in Castrip steel. Materials Forum 2008;32:9.